Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Time to say goodbye...

to stress.

Stress occurs when the body as a whole starts to suffer as a result of a stressful situation. I do get stress from work or when I encounter problems. So I have come up with my top 6 favorite things to do to say bye bye to stress.

Sleep - I love sleeping. It is so nice to sleep after a long day or even when you're bored. I loved it especially when it is raining. What a relaxing feeling!

Take a break - Have a KitKat! Haha. Seriously, you should take a break to get your energy back. You can do other things that would make you happy or you can just eat. I would probably eat when I take a break. When I am stressed, I just love munching on chips and chocolates.

Reinvent - Have a makeover. Girls love to spend some time in a salon to get their hair and nails done. I think it is a nice way to relax after a very stressful day. Pamper time, y'all!

Enjoy - Go out! Enjoy the things you love to do: playing sports, watching television, writing articles for your blog, go on a road trip with friends, going to the mall, go to clubs with friends, or go to your favorite coffee shop to unwind.

Shop - Most girls love shopping for anything... nice. Enough said.

Spa - Going to the spa or having a home massage is a great way to say bye bye to stress. I love getting a massage at home. I think that it is much better than going to a spa. It is because when you're getting a massage at home, you can sleep all you want even after the massage is over. You don't need to get up and go home. The feeling of being sleepy will be gone once you drive yourself home after getting some relaxation.